Saturday, November 13, 2010

With all the best intentions....

Now when I started down this whole parenting road 12 years ago I was adamant that no way were we going to own a game console.  If they wanted to play games they could play board games, educational computer games or outside games and sports.  A long with my moral high ground stance came the "I will never allow the TV to babysit my children".  My kids were no way going to become unmotivated, anti-social couch potatoes.  Anyway, that was then and this is now.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.  Do I feel guilt for putting a movie on a weekend afternoon to entertain the kids while I have a lie down and a moments peace?  Do I feel guilt for allowing my kids to have more than the recommended '2 hrs' a week of x-box and computer time because I have to my own work?   HELL NO!  In fact, when I'm thanking God for those wee blessings known as my children..... I am also saying a big thank you for giving me the tools to cope with this busy life :)  

Now in years to come I may come to swallow my words as my kids develop anti-social personalities and require years of therapy, or worse still, end up in prison.  But for now.... it's mum knows best!!  And afterall, if we didn't have our parents to blame for our issues and failings how would the therapists of this country make a living?

So, pass me the xbox Lips controller.... it's my turn to sing Justin Bieber .


  1. Haha!!! Love it!!! We have had some great times with out singstar and playing against each other to who could get past novice and become a star!!! Wow!!! even I did and I'm not the greatest tune bearer of all!!! But I did with Tainted love!!! hahaha!!! I agree! Anyway, when our kids get to teens our perfect parenting goes out of the window anyway and they get themselves a job and buy a computer and out comes DOTA!!! Hate that games really made my boys cave men!!! Well, my oldest is 21 and he still plays it but has a job and flatting and socialising and really coming into his own. Hey even his good manners have come back and the thoughtful polite son is returning!!! Phew!!! Yes I have made mistakes but not like my parents did and I'm still trying to model a good life style and thats all I can do cause the choices are their now. Thanks again for another great blog Alex.

  2. Thanks for this my first comment on my blog bluebutterfly49. I think parenting is as much about us growing up as it is the kids :)

    And yes, those Lips, Singstar, Rock band, and Guitar Hero are a lot of fun both sober and drunk :) They have introduced the kids to the songs of the 80's that I grew up with and they are loving it!!

  3. A few well scrutinized educational games are good for learning and hand, eye coordination as well as giving mum a well deserved quiet time, just enjoy it girl.
    After reading all your info there, I am glad I haven't cost the taxpayer any money to pay for greedy, over inflated egocentric professional consultations. :)
    Lovely set out and well written page Alex.

  4. Thanks manarewog. I do think most games provide some level of 'education' whether that is those fine motor skills you describe or problem solving etc. At least that is how I justify it :) All things in balance!!

  5. Oh and the other part of your question.... wasn't sure if to reply to it here or under the actual blog post above (I'm still learning this blog thing) but will do so here!!

    It's not that I think doctors don't deserve to be paid well, but just not when the DHB doctors receive a hell of a lot less and are expected to do on-call, overtime etc. A lot of these ACC consultants are making a living off ACC without having to go near a hospital or provide any actual 'service' to the patient or claimant. If they weren't paid such ridiculous amounts of money from ACC then they may actually have to get a real job and do some real work. But when 'money and greed' comes before patient care then we all suffer and people begin to distrust those doctors (whether they practice ethically or not).
